Come stitch with me!

New Workshops Spring/ Summer 2024


If you're in the Louisville, KY area I'd love for you to join me in a stitching workshop!  Two dates are currently scheduled, and check back for more dates to be added soon:


"Hand Stitching Self Care"

Click here to register!

May 17th  4-6pm & June 21st 4-6pm

Gallery 104

104 E.Main St.
La Grange, KY 40031

Phone: 502-222-3822

Cost: $35 per person/ per session

10 spots available per session (you can attend just one, or both!)

Beginners welcome!!


  • Hand-stitching can become a soothing and meditative practice, allowing time and mental space to relax, process emotions, and de-stress.  The workshop will begin with a short mindfulness exercise and brief conversation about the history of hand-stitching and correlations with self-care.  Participants will receive instruction in 3 beginner embroidery stitches and assistance with creating a small self-care stitching project plan.   Participants will have the chance to begin their project and take it home to continue working.   Participants will also receive a small booklet of mindfulness prompts to use during their stitching time on their own. Participants are free to attend a single session or return for future sessions (at additional cost) to continue their projects.  Participants may choose between two different project plans:
    • Option A: Select a single word that encapsulates a current mood or emotion that the participant would like to focus on with hand stitching (e.g. “Joy”, “Hope”, “Creativity”, “Loss”, “Change”, etc.).  This word will be transferred onto fabric and placed in an embroidery hoop.  Participant will select thread colors and receive support and coaching to begin their stitching.
    • Option B: Create an freestyle/ abstract piece of stitching that allows the participant to move freely and experiment with color and stitch selection. This option can be a useful tool to aid in exploring a feeling or memory.  Participant will select thread colors and receive support in beginning an abstract hoop using the 3 basic stitches.
  • Time: 120 minutes
  • Supplies/ Materials: All materials will be provided.
  • If cost is a barrier, please reach out to Leah directly for options


Virtual Workshops & Creative Coaching Sessions


If you'd like to meet 1:1, or in a small virtual group for basic embroidery or crochet instruction,


-or- 1:1 creative coaching & inspiration for your own textile arts journey,


I'd love to partner with you in a no-pressure, supportive framework!

Feel free to reach out for consultation & pricing: